Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 isn't just great for keeping our pup’s heart healthy, brains functioning, coats shining, and immune systems firing. Omega-3 also reduces itchy and flaky skin and can help relieve allergies and joint pain.
Like us, dog's don't produce Omega-3, which is an essential fat. Because their body can't make it from scratch, pups rely on getting it from alternative sources (via food and supplements).
This study showed that after six weeks, dogs supplemented with fish oil omega 3s showed significant improvements in itching, self-trauma and coat quality*.
*Logas, D. and Kunkle, G. (1994). Double-blinded Crossover Study with Marine Oil Supplementation Containing High-dose eicosapentaenoic Acid for the Treatment of Canine Pruritic Skin Disease. Veterinary Dermatology, 5(3), pp.99-104.
Turmeric Root
Turmeric is a natural source of curcumin, which can help to soothe skin by balancing your pup’s inflammatory system.
In one study, dogs fed snacks containing curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) showed decreased inflammatory cells, meaning reduced redness, heat, itching, sensitivity, and swelling. The same study showed that curcumin can increase a dog's antioxidant system stimulation, which is great news for your pup as antioxidants help to protect cells from damage.
*Campigotto, G., Alba, D., Favaretto, J., Gebert, R., Souza, C., Baldissera, M. and Da Silva, A. (2020). Intake of snacks containing curcumin stimulates erythropoiesis and antioxidant response in dogs. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 29(4), pp.855-863.
Grape Seed Extract
Grape Seed is a strong antioxidant that helps to reduce itching and soothe irritation.
This study shows it can help to reduce yeast issues (Candida Albicans) after just five days*.
*Simonetti, G., Santamaria, A., D'Auria, F., Mulinacci, N., Innocenti, M., Cecchini, F., Pericolini, E., Gabrielli, E., Panella, S., Antonacci, D., Palamara, A., Vecchiarelli, A. and Pasqua, G. (2014). Evaluation of Anti-Candida Activity of Vitis vinifera L. Seed Extracts Obtained from Wine and Table Cultivars. BioMed Research International, 2014, pp.1-11.